Mexico Missions Team - Summer 2009

Click below for pictures and videos from the
Mexico Missions Trip - Summer 2009

Below is Children of Hope website Link (the organization we are partnering with this week). You see additional pictures of the current orphanage and future site of orphanage. Plus, you will see pictures of Jeremy and his family.

Children of Hope

After nine months of preparation, we are finally ready to take off this Saturday, June 6th, for ten days at a Mexican orphanage. We have spent hours of practicing dramas, spanish songs, crafts, memorizing scripture, team building, culture preparation and PRAYER. Our goal has been to grow close as a team, humble ourselves and allow God to show us his will and priorities. Surrendering "our" rights, will and desires are never easy but it's necessary to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us and lead us. Our time in Mexico will be spent playing and building relationships with the orphans, doing work around the orphanage, speaking in churches, leading vacation bible schools and sharing Christ's love. Please pray for travel safety, health, servant's heart and uplifting attitudes. But most importantly pray we can share Christ with the locals and orphans and their hearts will be open.