Henry Visit

We stopped to visit Henry at the Lutheran Rehab Hospital over Thanksgiving Break. He continues to make recoveries and is building up strength. We played tennis with a balloon and hung out. Please
continue to pray for Henry and his healing. He loves getting visitors so feel free to visit him. He is in room 113. PTL for Henry!
Local Missions

The month of November provided 50+ students an opportunity for several local outreach events. A group of students went to Byron Health to play
bingo with the mentally challenged residents. It was so much fun loving on the residents and seeing their face light up when they got a "bingo". A group of students raked four yards for people in the community with special needs and a group went
downtown to the Associated Churches Food Bank to box canned food for needy families. We had a great time serving in our community and look forward to doing some more in the near future. That's what it's all about!
Girls Night Out

Movie, Manicure and Munchies!!! That was the theme for 20 some girls who lopped around in their pj's
while watching "A Walk to Remember" and painting each other's nails.